Friday, April 16, 2010


hey people! (i'm shouting this one like how annoying orange shouts to apple). haha.

anyway, God is so good, he'll let me sundo my nanay tomorrow. coz our microbio lab is out for 3 days, thu, fri and sat, meaning no microbio lab for first week. she'll guard St. dominic pharmacie. Thank you very much Lord.

anyway again, got my grades last last week, i was do depressed when i saw my WPA, it was 90.92, last sem i got 92.13. nagbaba ako. and i was like O.0 nahihilo while walking down the stairs. i so hate chemistry and filipino! then went to faculty room to get my anatomy grade, it was 85, then i recomputed my WPA, i got 89.93, and it made me feel so down and so dull and lazy. darn. i blame myself for not studying on time and watching tanging yaman till bandera. errr.. it's too late. bawi ako this summer. i know, i can and i will. i maybe sound ambitious, but my WPA makes my parents happy and for them to feel that i'm not wasting the bucks they're depositing in my account and coz i WANT to be in the top. that's it.

God bless me and Good luck to me.

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