this is my 146th post. ok. you don't care. :/
i miss blogging.....
so much.
Prelims and midterms are over! not really pala, i have 3 lab exams to go, plus finals, plus intamurals. hey, i failed the interview for intrams program committee, and i don't care, it's their loss, not mine. i'm not really busy, but i'm busy busyhan, i'm just busy for a moment, say, tonight, because i procrastinated last week, so i need to do this and that.
academic rants: outburst of a procrastinator
as usual, i'm battered by my quizzes, exams, projects (did i mention, we're doing drug literatures, drug labels, boxes? which is very tiring) and, tantararan, i'm not proud to say that my physicks quizzes are always line of 7, which is really disappointing and nakakawalang gana. i always study, i'm gahot in physicks, srsly. but i always end up with percentages of 76, 76, 76, 76! like hell! when would be the time i'll spell physicks as p-h-y-s-i-c-s? *sighs*
dds: drug delivery system
dds lecture is fine, so as dds lab. i love my scores, if i'm gahot in physicks, i'm more gahot in dds lec and lab, srsly. major major subjects dude! i love making, compounding, preparing and manufacturing drugs. i love mixing the active substance with the excipients. i love dissolving volatile oils in alcohols. i love creams, ointments, pastes, tablets, capsules, aromatic waters, acacia mucilage, elixirs, spirits and the like. i'm loving the time when i'm in the lab, i hate it there because it's f***ing hot there.
PhChem: pharmaceutical chemistry
ok, our prof is always absent, literally ABSENT. i mean, she always attends seminars, her sick kid and whatever reason, blah, blah. midterm grades are better than prelims, i think.
rs: religious studies
my so favorite, i mean not so favorite subject in college! i always suck here, i always asleep in lectures, srsly.
pscyh: psychology
there's nothing to rant here, except for the teacher who always waves and flips her hair, she's a fresh graduate by the way. i love reading our pscyhe book.
PhCare: pharmaceutical care
i hate them all, the teachers both lec and lab, the lessons, essays during quizzes, the projects, and OH-PLEASE-GO-TO-DOH-OFFICE-AND-ASK-THEM-ABOUT-THEIR-PROGRAMS, srsly. i hate
the wedding: plans and everything
so, it's my brother's wedding on october 30. it will be in bulacan, yeah, so maggasto. we're still cracking our brain for plans. the future couple is so busy, so some ideas and plans should be sprouting from I and sis' heads. srsly. i'm not excited for the wedding actually, i'm more excited in my gown. i hope the sastre will make my gown so bongga just like in my design. please :/
i guess, i have nothing to share. i'll update soon, when i'm in the mood.