Wednesday, August 24, 2011


i feel so rejected from the people around me. maybe i'm paranoid, who needs psychiatric attention, ugh, i hate this feeling. i felt this since last week. there are times i prefer to work/study alone, or silent in class or maybe i'm thinking too much or thinking that i'm just over reacting on people's actions/deeds towards me :/ i feel so useless and worthless, or may be i'm missing someone or missing or LOOKING for people's attention. yes, attention-seeker, pleasure-seeker, or whatever it is, ugh! plus the fact that our recollection didn't help me to overcome my case! another plus, that i feel so envious on people around me, they're happy, i'm not :(. and my academic performances too, affect my mood (because of low scores, even though i study hard!), this is like rejection.

i know, i know, i have wonderful people around me, i have Him, family, friends, relatives, but promise, i don't know:( ugh. so help me God.

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