Friday, January 22, 2010


after memorizing the 206 bones of the adult's body, here i am again, cracking my brain to memorize the 620 muscles of our body. though it's hard, i'm having fun because i and my friends usually use those words in our usual conversation like "agay, sakit akong gastrocnemius", "hala, padako sa ko gluteus maximus". lol for that. (gastrocnemius refers to your "bagtak", the large muscle in your leg, gluteus maximus refers to the large muscle of your butt, as in "muscle sing buli"). anyway, this week was good and bad. no PE, that means, going to the mall and window-shop, no NSTP, that means, be the earliest customer of mcdo, vanities, gossips, stretching. bad because of the quiz i failed in chem (9/25), night class schedules (monday 7pm, wed-7pm, thu-6:3o pm), though i am used to it (night classes), i can still find some difficulties especially going home very tired, sleepy and ABUSED. bad because, every night, i eat lechon manok or shrimp dishes, that makes me wanna go home and eat some lutong bahay- sinigang, adobo. haven't ate it here since i went back in davao.

hey, i finished our movie script for pharmacoinformatics, in just 1 week, how's that? i'm so "gahot". haha. anyway, i'm still loving pharm calculations, i just love dosing/dosage analytical problems.


i'm not looking into it, i'm busy with my "what-should-i-eat today" dishes, studies but i watch tv news everyday, i'll go for brother Eddie. lol.jk


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