Wednesday, June 2, 2010

random ollege stories

i graduated high school with soaring rainbow colors and i entered college in black and white hiding those colors. i did that because i don't want my classmates to expect something good, let's say "bright jud ni siya" or they will expect good grades and no failures. as i go along, i played college cards well, getting highest scores in exams, quizzes and wpa to prove that i am smart enough and deserve what i had.

way back in high school and elementary, i was once a good dancer and a multi-talented student (they say-haha), and because of these hearsays, i told myself to be active in college- to represent my school in quiz bowls, to compete with other dancers and to gain curricular points. i tried once (1st semester). i joined the school paper's screening. i failed. this was the first and last school audition i joined. no more, no less. that was the start of "oh-jo anne-college-is-not-for-you" thing then it encouraged me to study, to have more patience and to enjoy life the most. i did.

college is hell. college is heaven.

college is hell, if:

-your professor is strict and gives you quizzes not found in your notes or gives it everyday.
-your prof gives you 15 seconds in every item in moving exams
-your classmates hate you
-your classmates pointed you as their group leader (especially laboratory classes)
-you have nothing to wear during wednesdays
-your class starts at 7:30 am and ends at 7:30 pm
-you have laboratory classes everyday
-your schoolmates stare at you in the lobby when you're walking alone
-you have pe practice after laboratory classes at night
-you failed your final exams, quizzes
-you broke laboratory apparatus
-you're an irregular student
-you study away from your house/family
-you have saturday classes
-you wake up early during sundays for your required nstp activities
-you're sick, home sick
-you ran out of money and atm machine is offline
-you need lots of php for your books, requirements and PHOTOCOPIES
-you eat lucky me noodles during lunch or dinner 'coz you have no money
-you can't have special exams when you're out without valid reasons
-you need a taxi 'coz it will take you faster-you're late

college is heaven, if:
-you passed prelims, midterms and final exams, quizzes
-you have friends
-your professor spoon feeds you during exams and quizzes
-your professor gives considerations like rounding off your grades for you to pass
-you have no classes and the best to do are stroll and eat
-your parents sent you allowance
-you passed your major subjects
-you mall hop with college friends
-you met your high school classmates/schoolmates/friends in your new school's lobby
-your professor appreciates your effort
-you have no pe or major subjects
-you have no love life
-you're inspired

college is good. college is worse than hs. high school is better than college. high school is bad.

1 comment:

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