1st photo: kuya josh, ate ianna and baby yna as star wars casts. hihi
2nd photo: bottle-feeding baby maddox as master yoda (but looks like shrek!) hihi
3rd photo: new baby in the family, my states-side baby andre! never saw him in person. that makes me gigil na gigil to see him.
4th photo: states-side ate danica, andre's sister. i look like her, especially the eyes.(that is, when i was still a kid:)
heehee. i'm such a tita. they never fail me to give me joy and smiles:) i love u babies!
heehee. i'm such a tita. they never fail me to give me joy and smiles:) i love u babies!
and they are very very precious. :DD
hi there!
google brought me here to your blog. i was searching for the meaning of the word "shobe" in gay lingo and it brought me to one of your posts. although it didn't give me the information i needed, your blog layout design got me interested which in turn got me to read some of your posts.
i found your posts to be entertaining and really genuine. So hopefully you continue on writing You've just snatched a new reader/follower (by the way, where's your "FOLLOW" button?).
'till then, good luck and hope you see your nieces/nephews soon.
hani: yes, super precious. the most precious ones.
gigoy: hello there too! thank u for visiting my blog even if it's just an accident. haha. thank you for reading my stories and whatnots. if you still wanted to follow: open your blogger/blogspot's dashboard, there u can see "blogs i'm following", scroll down a little and you'll see the "add" button. then just type my blog's url. then save. thanks!
ps: i've opened your blog, the "about" section. you need to write more, you're so good in english, you make sense in "about" section. and i stalked you in fb. haha
thanks for the compliment and thank you for visiting my "about" section. i hope i really did make sense there.
stalked in fb? hmm... i think i should return the favor... hehe :)
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